Going in mystery world

            Astral trevell

            (chapter 1)

You know that astral trevell ? you alraddy know is but I am explain in short ,when you can travel your soul outside your body and you not die but you can abel to go outside your body using your soul called astral trevell. This story is belong to that man who want to explore the world using his soul ,but this is not easy to do ,so he is prectising consentration you need so much consuntration like your mind is completely blanck no thinking only focus in breathing.

    Now the persone name is “soun” .(my English is not good so plese compromise) soun is prectising 2years ,he is living in 2024 india delhi.

This story is not real this is just is my emagination.now we are going to deep in story if you like it .

Soun –  hey sis I am prectising 2 years but no outcome is come can I have just ghive up.

Martha(sis)-this is not a eassy task many people is traying but everyone is not success,but when someone is naver ghiv up he can success and no one is stop him.

Soun-than I have to keep doing .

            And one day he is success to go outside her body and he see the different world like people are slow he feel like averything is just in slow motion ,and he can see some path in air like cloudy blue path,so many path he is seeing he see so many soul he is dead and they going to the sky everything is like beoutyfull.he is just enjoying the world and than suddanly one persone is come and running and some special solsior is attacking they are so creapy and they are have some wepone they throw that wepone and soun is does tham and he is also is running with that strange persone. 

now going to diloge mode.

Soun- hey lisition why they are attacking to me and why you are running who are they I have to so many question to ask .

Stranger-fustaly we have to go the safe area then I tell you everything just stay with me .

Soun – hey look now they are using bike ,whit they have bike at this rate we are gona we captured.

Stranger-hey we have also some bike ( and than he using tiger soul to ride and going full speed and loos them and going some short of micro can ).

Soun – wow what Is  this ,I have so much to ask .

Stranger –so you are new is this world .

Soun- yaa.

Stranger – then I have to tell everything .


 So guys you are interested  to this story then tell me ,you want to  know who are they then read the chepter 2.

        My name is harshit rajpoot nice to meet you .       

                Thank you .

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