So this story about treveller prince. How I put to it , ok the story is about to begin .
So this story character is a prince name is “cohan” and he has mom and dad . he is the prince of “oracle”.
Basically oracle is the name of country that prince is belong here .and his mom “menku” and his father name is “bokuro” .nice name what do think anyway,lets countinue our story so they people is living in pece who is think that worst things is happened,avery one is happy and doing their work .after I am telling the next part lets look the past first…..
So how I am start ok ,mother and father is know this truth now one else I think or may be king think ,many time ego the meturide happened and this country is found mesterious stone or I sad king ,just ignore my lengubase or I say spelling so mistakes sorry about that,that stone has some power but kink don’t know is he deside to take the stone and planted into his mukut or croune never mind ,the stone is looks red shiny and so beutyfull.but someone also know about stone and his power also who is he are you imagine absiyesly he is the villen of the story .thats the past now countinue the present…..
The country is under attack who is he know one knoes but he want that stone so he attake the casel direct he is so powerfull know one his comperision ,that time the prince is only 5year old .the king is going to fight but quine also sad that he also goes with her,hes knoe that hes go to fight is mene his dath ,they talk to her son last words “oracle in the harts of the ground”this is his last words and they gone, what do you think what happened they died and the attacker is tke the stone and gone you are quries about villen his name face or some detail , wait some time and you know that …..
Ok that another day so lets bigine
The villen is gone and prince is cride so much.and avery is going to straight prince is so angry to taking his revenge he train so hard he found avery ware finiay after 10 year he found the place where villine living .but he search avery ware but he he don’t find any clue ,but than he lissine some noice when he go to chek he found a tree that scound coming from tree he talk the tree ….like who are you than tree says plese help me first .
Prince-how to I help you.
Tree- find the sword and cut the tree.
Prince- where I can found the sword ?
Tree – oracle in the heart of the ground.
Prince – whit , that’s my father last word how do you know ?
Tree – I tell you averything letter ,firstly go to to your city and find the blutell cave and than find out the beating hart and then destroy them ,then you get the sword ,hurry I don’t have much time ……
Prince – ok iam coming soon …
And prince is go to the city and find ware the cave after 6month he found the cave he deside to go and he go inside and he can cee the blue gems incide the cave planted .the cave is sine like a blue light avery thing is beuty full afer few times latter the gems is attract in one location and than he colab and convert in the monster .
Princ – what is this thing ?
And the mongster is attack the prince but prince is skiild because he traind a lot of time and the fight is start the prince is fight with mogster after fight is over .
Can you gess what happened you know alredy the prince is win he take down the monster and then the blu crustel is desepear and the beting hart id visible.
Prince – so that tree is right .now I just whant to destroy the tree and take the sword.
And prince take that sword and go whare that tree he cut down the tree and tree is convert into the lady. By tha way the sword is sining in blue light.
Prince – who are you .and why you in tree form what going on……
Tree- I know you have so many question so fistly lissine to me and don’t interrupt me ok.
Prince – ok.
Tree- my name is “veera”. And I am the partner of that “bontou” whow kill your father and mother.
Prince – whattt you are tha partner of that moster who kill my family tell me were is he tell meeeee……
Veera - I sand sont intrupt meeeeeee.
I know your are feeling . lission the full story
Me and “bontou” has both are servent of your father we protect the casel using ower magic but when Metroid is happening bontou is change he behaive different he whant that stone to reasarch but your father don’t give hime . bontou is so angry so he tride to steel that stone and he achive it and gone when your father know he send me to kill bontou and, I go and find .
Veera – bontou why are you doing this stop thi and give that stone tha king .
Bontou – oh my dere veera you are so stupid you don’t know this I am examin this stone and I am find out what inside him.
Veera- what are you talking about ?
Bontou- that stone has power to go to the feture cum with me and we can togather gosing to feture.
Veera- don’t be so mad ,you have time to go home cum with me be can go .
Bontou – if you don’t want go with me than I will kill youuuu….
And the fight is begin veera and bontou fight togather veera win that fight bu he don’t kill the bontou .
Veera – I don’t want to kill you plese come with me (feture – I think this is my mistake your father die)
Veera leve bontou alone and go to the king give the stone to the king and tell king that bontou is dead.
after 2 yeare latter…..
the bontou is cum to the city and capture to the tree because this time he is so powerfull.
In feture…….
Prince – so that’s the story I am sorry about that.
Veera- no please , I want to say sorry that is my mistake that’s happened.
Prince – don’t blaime yourself you don’t know the feture .
Veera –I know how to kill the bontou and this time I am kill him .
Prince- no that’s my job to kill him,tell me how to kill her.
Veera – that sword in your hand only this sword can kill her.but that’s not eassy to do it.
Prince – so ware is he now .
Veera – he is in the feture .
Prince – in the feture ?
Veera – yes I teach you some special skill .
And veera teach him some magic skill the prince is so good at this he learn skill so fastly .and when he prapered .
Prince – now tell me how to go in feture?
Veera- this is kind a difficult ,but only one optione have but this is so riskey.
Prince – I don’t care just tell me ,now .
Veera – ok this sword have ability to locate the bontou ,but when you teleport with sword you can suffer do much pain ,if you handel it then do it ok .
Prince – don’t care about me I am handel avery pain you can just prepared to teleport.
Veera- but you can only one time do it if you faill this time you can never take revenge your father.
Prince – I am raddy do it…..
And veera doing the process and prince is suffer so much pain his body is veporise and teleport in to the feture ….after process is complete prince is some how is survibed but he is unconsiyes long time in the flore.
In feture – any someone boy see the prince and take the prince to her home and take care of prince .
Prince –(when prince is awake )whare am I ,what is this place .(and he realise he in the feture and peniking than boy is come).
Boy – calm down relax .
Prince –who are you and why I am here ?
Boy – my name is kongo ,and I am citision of this city .i found you in ground in unconsiyes condition so I am take you my home ,you are sleeping 5 days.
Prince – what 5 days ,I have to go now .
Kongo-whaight first tell me about you and don’t forget to thanks me ,show me some manears.
Prince – hai, I am the prince of oracle. You don’t know about me?
Kongo- oracle , huh I don’t know about this city .
Prince – sorry , I forgot to tell you I am come here to the past .
Kongo- come to the past that’s interesting ,so which yeare you come from .
Prince – whight you belive me in only one time I say.
Kongo – yes because this is happening second time .
Prince- whats your mene second time ?
Kongo – yes 2050 the mesterias man is coming in our world and he tell averyone I am coming to the past I am here to chang your world feture ,and he tell her name bontou?
Prince – are you say bontau,that bontou?
Kongo – you know that guy .
Prince- yes I know and I am here to kill her?
Kongo – our people is also tried to kill her but he is imortel.
Prince – no one is immortal in this world ,avery one is die some time.
Kongo –you know hou to kil this guy.
Prince- yeas.
Kongo – than our problem is and now,finally .
Prince – tell me averything about bontou.
Kongo – that’s long story but I am tell you In short.
So he says change our world averyone is laphing her talk and he is angry and than he show her power he show the stone and averyone in her controll and staking each other and died and than gov is take him serieslay and take action solsitior is attack her but he use innocent people and he can control the solsior.
Than someone is fegur out how it works when he is show her stone the red light emiited around the area and when somone is see the the light he is in her control.
But solsior is used special glasees but know one knows how to undo this controll ,scinthist is tride to capture controlled man and see how to undo whe n he see her eye he also control and he burn out hole lab many people died .
And than gov. is deside to go under ground and see the solution how to kill him.
Kongo – you are lucky you teleport in under ground .
Prince – whait were is my sword and aremor?
Kongo – I put her in safe place .
Prince – give me ? now .
Kongo – relax I give you .
Prince – I have to go .thanks for my help .
Kongo - whit , you don’t know about this place.
And prince is go outside the underground world is so butyfull and siny so much technology but prince don’t know about anything so he start her madness some stupid things and kongo is chessing her .then prince is know he don’t do anything without kongo help .
Prince – hey ,sorry about that but can you tell me ware to go .
Kongo – now you are in line ,ok if you say then I will help you but you have to tell your story.
Prince – ok I tell you in the wey,so were are we going ?
Kongo- we are going to talk to our leader .
Prince – so who are your leader ?
Kongo- you meat and see who they are .
And then both are going to talk the leader and prince is soking and qurious about averything seeying .now they are go and tell the hole story to the leaders . and leader is seeaing the last chance to win this fight so he belive and prepare to go outside .
Leaders – so you are the same dimesion ,firstly you see that people who is under control they behaive like zombie but I know they are alsiright some treatment but I don’t know how, anyeare go and see that people.
Kongo – ok sir ,lets go aaaa…. What your name ?
Prince- cohan .
Kongo – ok cohan come with me .
Then cohan see that people who capchured in lab .
Cohan – what are they people ?
Kongo – yes this is happning outside hou you can handle them .
Cohan – I don’t know ?
Than suddanly is magic happning that people who capchure in lab the see cohan sword and he is become normal.averyone is shoked how this is happning. And then it is happning with another persone and kongo is notice that .
Kongo – look your sword is sining when they people see and they become normal .
Now finialy we has hope to win agenst her thanks for coming here cohan you are the hope of averyone .
Cohan – now then sow that bontou that who are be .
(and they deside to go outside)
Kongo – we are going 5 man team they are special fors agent lets intrisuse them .
He is “gobal” his specialty is destroy the big things his big body and havy aremor is help her.
And he is “maku” this is speciality is fast movement and slime body.
And last one she is name “viper” his speciality is to fly in the sky cool hun.
And obiusly I am the one in only kongo the great also go with you and I am the leader of this teame and averone he is the prince of oracle “cohan ” .
Cohan – key kongo what is your speciality ?
Kongo – hey I have so many but I tell you important like sharp mind ,teame leader and sooper vision,I can see thrue this wall .
Cohan – realy ,nice.
Viper – don’t lision his nonsence talk he is no. one fool.
Kongo – don’t insult your leader .
Cohan – (prince is like the viper in first contact).
And avery one is going to outside and redy to fight .
They see red eye people than prince is treatment them and thake in selter.
Now the real fight is start .
Some scary tipe of robo monster is seeing flying ,mongster and leaser beme types of robo solsior they block the path to go neare the bontou .
Cohan – are you guys know that swoed is know the location of vilion .
Viper – how do ve know you never told idiat .and you told that time when be fighting with this mongster.
Kongo – I have a plane , viper you thake the cohan flying and we fight here .
Viper – that’s it ,that is your plane ,and teel me by me.
Kongo – because tou are flying .
Viper – and what be can do that fling robo .
Cohan – I can handell them .
Kongo – see ,averything ok .
Viper – how you can handel them ?
Cohan – just trust me .
Viper – ok you reddy ?
Cohan – yaa.
Viper – then lets fly .
And then both are fling and cohan is clear the area using sword .
And they finally success full to reach the bontou .
Viper – where are that which .
Cohan – sword is showing this location ,he is near by.
Bontou- ohhh ,so finaly cohan you can manage to come in feture .but never go back alive .
Cohan – hey were are you show yourself ,I am here to kill you ?
Bontou – so you want to kill me and how you do that .ohh you areasuch a child ?
You sont know any meners to talk your alder .
Cohan – you kill my family and so many people and you want respect ?
Bontou – oh common I ma just want to change feture .
Cohan- this destruction is your feture ?
Viper – hey I think I ma found him ?
Cohan – where ?
Viper – inside that wall destroy tham .
Bontou – so you found me.
Cohan – I will kill you .
Bontou – then swow me what ayou got .
And fight is begine megecian is using ston and teleport here to another place and he can hide inside the wall s and summen some creachures .
And than having antry avery one .
Kongo – your guys mii me?
Viper- no.
Cohan – we fight togather and kill him ?
Kongo – your right .
Cohan – he can hide in tha wall kongo you can see them yes .
Kongo – yes got it .
Cohan - Viper you can fly capture them wen he in sky ?
And you gus you are fast and strong breack the waal and capture him with your speed and than I kill him.
And then plane is succesfull and they are abele to kill him and that’s the end of the story but that megecian is part of life put in another place no one knows and he just weight to revive him 5years take .
So that’s the end now but story is coming to anther part .
Avery one is happy and prince is sey the viper love him .and averything okay this is the happy ending .
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